Student Who Stands Up For Beliefs Ends Up in Jail
by Yvonne Nicoletti
It was a day before my eighteenth birthday ... I was looking forward to getting a tattoo, going out with my friends, and performing in the school's talent show that weekend. I thought about all these things as I sat locked in a tiny jail cell that evening ...
Students Organize to Push through Civil Rights Legislation
by James Resnick
If we don't tackle the issue of homophobia in schools, then it will be that much harder to educate tomorrow's adults compared to today's students ...

I Could Not Sit By and Watch This Happening
by Mary Beth Tinker (pictured above)
As I learned more about the Vietnam War, I did not think that it was right to fight in another country's civil war with the aim of controlling that country ...
Hooters and Cocks in Ames, Iowa
by Nan Stein
For over a year, some boys in the middle school in
had worn "Hooters" t-shirts to school. They featured owl eyes peering out from the letter "O," that fell strategically around the nipple area, with this slogan, "More than a mouthful," sometimes on the back, sometimes on front of the t-shirt ...
The Black Armband Story
by John Tinker (pictured above)
We decided to wear the armbands to school even though the school authorities had prohibited us from wearing them. Although our wearing of the armbands did not lead to any violent or disruptive situations at school, we were suspended anyway.
The Day I Wore A Black Armband to school
by Christopher Eckhardt
In November 1965, I was one of the 60 people who made the trip from
to protest along with 20,000 other Americans the war in
. It took us a further eight years to bring that war to an end ...